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From Dickpatven

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dickpatven123 | 21:39 Sun 14th Oct 2018 | Crosswords
14 Answers
I would appreciate all your help with 1 across which is just one word in the Squire's clue and that is OEUVRE which to my mind equals Work or Total BUT I have CANON? Is this correct and if so any help you can give with the parse. Thanks in advance for all your help.


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Canon has the same meaning - body of works, etc
sort of, a canon sometimes implies a list of the best (eg the canon of rock and roll legends) rather than a total list, but I would have thought it's near enough
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Thank you Captain2 and jno. You convince me that CANON is the correct answer BUT I have a feeling that the Squires clues have a Skeleton type of answer in the make up of them.
Good night to you both
Don't really understand your comment re 'skeleton type of answer' Dick.
Is this not from today's Crusader crossword?
Is the Crusader like the Lancelot in having two sets of clues with the same answer?

If so the other clue may help explain what is bothering Dickpatven.
I haven't done, or seen, the Crusader for years Mamya, but I don't recall it having two sets of clues. Hopefully Dick will explain.
Hope so, yes.
cryptic - Conservative soon accepted, C anon.
It does have two sets, giving the same answer.
1. Oeuvre
2. Conservative soon accepted.
Thanks both.
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To answer all your queries. I was simply referring to the fact the fact the squires clues are meant to be simple but the fact that a single word clue which, as far as I could tell at the time, bore no relationship to the answer was the "Skeleton" system all over again that is all I was getting at. Thanks for all your help and I am sorry if my reference to the skeleton caused you problems.

The 'skeleton' type of answer. Of the two sets of clues, one is straightforward and the other is cryptic, which is normal for this crossword. The C anon had 'to be made up'.
^^^^ I should have said Oeuvre and Canon are synonymous.

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