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Spectator 2381

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pomona | 10:08 Thu 18th Oct 2018 | Crosswords
8 Answers
20d Keynote European speech's beginning to bore me. (4) ??S?
11a Weary junkie's eaten mollusc (10) ?TO??BO???


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20 mese
11a Stoneborer - 'stoner' (junkie, has eaten) 'bore' (weary)
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Thank you Toorak and Lie-in King
Help please with the order of the unclued .....can't get the words to fit...18a is the problem ...or else others are wrong too??
The order of the unclued? That's the whole theme! Have you got 1A and 45 A? 18 Across is one of the early changes.
yes got 1a and 45a....are the unclued words linked or is it just 1 letter change each time and the words aren't connected?
thing i've got it now ...1d needs to come after 18a not before it?
Thanks, saladdodger. Yes, just one letter at a time, and yes, 18 A is earlier.

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Spectator 2381

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