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Ev 1360

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hankir | 15:52 Tue 11th Dec 2018 | Crosswords
29 Answers
I have no idea yet what I am doing, but I have more than half the grid filled.

I do not know why 33a becomes Goliard from Glad.

Also I have first 3 words and last two words around the eprimeter.

help with:
7. Unlimited client waivers, with charges covered internally (5) LEN?D
An extra letter to be removed. Wavers , I extra?

4. Anxiety for some cowmen after rearing herds(6)

6.Make stone face turn outwards, right at the top (5)



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33 Is one of the thematic clues - the answer is Glad but becomes Goliard as it's ?????? ???, the second phrase.

7 Lined, covered internally (like drawers!) .

The first phrase has four words, the second has two...
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Thanks Neveracrossword.

I don't have the second phrase yet.
It may be S?A?ED out.
The first one I have 1,3,4, ?.
How long is the fourth word? 10?
Last one 4, 9?

I am still working on NE corner which is blank.

Any idea on clue 4d and 6d?
The first phrase is 4,4,3,7. You have the correct letters for the second, and the right amount for the third.
I'm often not good at hints, but I'll have a think...
4 - The definition is 'anxiety' a (dialect) 6 letter word, but the wordplay only gives 3 letters of the entry as it's a thematic entry - look in the clue for 3 consecutive letter reading backwards.
Thanks, ProfessorMaisie, I was happy with my answers but less sure of my hinting abilities!
6 - a synonym for 'turn outwards' with the R moved from 4th to first position - definition in Chambers ='to face with masonry'
... mine tend to be too wordy Neveracrossword - I think we probably do ok as a double act!
6d right at the top ...means it starts with R ...hopefully you have the 3rd letter / and the 5th ? then you can use the chambers word wizard
Hankir, between us we should have you all sorted now!
... by the way hankir, 7dn is thematic - you need to remove a 3 letter example of the 1st thematic type to make sense of the wordplay (which differs from the definition and gives LINED).
... (I was a bit clumsy there) the def gives the entry - LINED - the wordplay leads to a 7 letter answer.
... you've got a problem with your word count for 1 - join up your first and second words. The other two thematic phrases are ok.
I'd sorted the first phrase earlier, the number of words, the number of letters...
I'm sorry neveracrossword, so you have.
...unfortunately, hankir was sticking with his first 3 words and adding 3 letters onto the 4th word.
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Thank you all.
Made some progress.
The first three letters for 4d are from the clue and last three mean a fox.
The 6 letter word then means Anxiety.
6d can mean check again.

The 4th word of first phrase means pixies. The second phrase could mean dazed state.

Still not sure about answers to 12d, 19a and 8d.
What is the fourth letter of 8d?
VACANT is in caps. So it is not that some cells are blanks. Not sure what that means.
... and I missed your clarification following his post (sorry again!).
You seem to be right with all of those hankir - no blank cells, I think VACANT in caps means we don't remove the 'pixies' from the perimeter!
...4th letter of 8dn = E
and look for another definition of your 'fox'.

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