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Private Eye Eye Crossword 641 Saturday December 22Nd 2018

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stainl88 | 00:34 Sat 22nd Dec 2018 | Crosswords
5 Answers
2 clues I cannot solve before I tackle the Headmistress Writes quote.

63d Major financial concerns about a very obvious depression (6) C______

67a Maybe Penelope's current heartless sex partner (6) L_____

Also, I have Big Bellied for 6d. Not sure it is right. I have a partial explanation as to how it works but by no means certain.
Dictator's half misrepresented imprisoning Labour leader for "owning a large corporation "


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Just got 63d but even though I have an extra letter V for 67, I still cannot solve it even though there are only 3 or 4 options I can think of
6d first word=dictator
63 "a very"inside major financial concerns (commonly known as the ????)="depression"
67 Surname of a Penelope "current" + "sex partner" less middle letter.
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Got it although I had to look up an author I had never heard of
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And I have corrected my 6d answer. Got an extra letter that made the 3 letter word clear ( I was thinking about every dictator I had ever heard but had forgotten that charming 70s fella)
Thin Pot Bellied works bettter or 6d

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Private Eye Eye Crossword 641 Saturday December 22Nd 2018

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