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LilaBel | 19:20 Thu 03rd Jan 2019 | Crosswords
46 Answers
The Herald prize Christmas crossword
5 down :card with kendal view but no others...w-a-e
97 across :close stairways have these issues.. W-l-s.. Wells?
98across: sure that's how it's spelt-see a recipe s-c-a- .


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♪ everybody knows....
19:54 Thu 03rd Jan 2019

98 SUCH AS ?
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Thank you Baldric. But that's two words....can you explain?
I'm wondering if the key to 98a is how it sounds - CRSEP (see a recipe) but I can't get anything to fit.
Alternatively, dpelt is a kind of flour, but that leads me nowhere
98 Siccar - Sure

Sic (as spelt) + C a r(ecipe)
97 Yes

Could 5 Be Knave (Card)
New word to me but it's clearly right (Scots for sure) so well done Mamyalynne
Yes, knave is alternate letters of KeNdAlViEw but I can't see the 'odd' indicator from 'no others'
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That's it mamyalynne! Siccar.
If 5 down is knave I've got the anagram wrong..I've got everybody wants a turkey and some mistletoe.. The w of wants is the first letter
♪ everybody knows....
5 Weave
Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe
Help to make the season bright
Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow
Will find it hard to sleep tonight
Mamyalynne has it. Knave now fits

Yep, I'll explain, people don't always get the letter patterns correct.
Maybe not if it's anangram HH, can't see how Weave would parse.
Not seeking a Best Answer then Baldric?
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Yes mamyalynne.. I redid the anagram and got knows.thankyou so much!
Still don't understand Knave can someone explain please?
Who/what is HH Mamyalynne?
Knave is alternate letters but I can't see why 'but no others' gives that instruction. If I had a pen i'd see what letters remain after removing KNAVE
FF parsed it as every other letter.

I was going to hazard a guess at K(nave) V(iew) + Nae (no) anag.
Sorry, typo - FF - eyes playing up today.

I promoted you.

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