Guardian Prize Crossword 27800 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Guardian Prize Crossword 27800

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Telescoper | 16:31 Sat 20th Apr 2019 | Crosswords
6 Answers
Can someone please help me with a couple of things for this?

First, the thematic clue 'Style poor Jane' s accepted (7)' I have N-A-T-K. It should be a food item but I can't can't get it.

Second, the simple clue 'Funeral Party starts with audiences keening erratically' (4) is obviously WAKE but the remaining space I have on the lower left is W-E-. The E being the end of YORKSHIRE. Can anyone please tell me where I have gone wrong?
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Anagram of jane around art

I have Yorkshire on the furthest right column (middle word)
I have yardstick where I think you have yorkshire
Naartje (small orange) - 'art' (style, in) anag 'Jane'

Wake - is the first word in row 17
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Yes of course how silly of me! The same error solves both problems. Many thanks!
Yardstick and Yorkshire have y,r,s and i,which have to fit with the cross clue answers, in the same place. Only the last letter fixes the right place for the two. Quite interesting
w(ith)a(udiences)k(eening)e(rratically. Can't see it being anything else.

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Guardian Prize Crossword 27800

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