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Sunday Times Mephisto

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Sarrie | 08:33 Mon 29th Apr 2019 | Crosswords
12 Answers
Knight taken by chess champion in school


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Sir Bors (one of the knights of the round table + (Mikhail)Tal 1950s chess champion
08:45 Mon 29th Apr 2019
How many letters and any placed?
Seen as
How does that parse?
Dont know Danny. As I said I saw the suggested answer but without a parse ?
We need the OP to come back with more information.
Sir Bors (one of the knights of the round table + (Mikhail)Tal 1950s chess champion
Thanks Emeritus, Sir Bors is new to me.Another day, another fact learned.
Oops Calibax not Emeritus. Sorry
Question Author
Thank you for the explanation. I thought it must be Borstal but I had no idea why having heard of neither the knight nor the chess champion. Is borstal a school ?
Yes, It's a reform school for naughty boys.
A borstal was a type of youth detention centre in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. ... The word is sometimes used loosely to apply to other kinds of youth institutions or reformatories, such as approved schools and youth detention centres. The court sentence was officially called "borstal training".

a custodial institution for young offender
Now no longer in existence.

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