My (unimportant) exams are over but His Nibs still has a couple pf papers to go. We agreed to (a) go on the wagon and (b) give up sport (him) and crossies(me ) while we were swotting. I am back. (btw Why 'on the wagon'?). He still is 'resting'. But he has made up to me in the way that only he can and I've tried to please him.
To the Crossie . It's tutorial time please.
37d Audacity of revolutionary English movement out of India. "Cheekiness' fits which meets the meaning. Che is a revolutionary and e for English. But I don't get the rest.
28d See what one's forgotten about relative merit. I have R?L?A?N so relearn fits but I have no idea why.
15ac Genius way of doing things study . Have D?M?N so demon fits and den is a study but....?
sorry. I moved too quickly. "both" should be "all". 'Kinesis' is a new one for me. And I was trying to add 'I' or" 'in' for India. But I get it now. Thank you
What about the "on the wagon" saying please. Not that it's in the crossword. I'm just curious.
In the days of the Temperance movements activists would tour with a wagon exhorting people to take the pledge. Those who did so then jumped on the wagon as an example to others. Those who relapsed were said to have fallen off the wagon.
Thank you to all three of you. Very interesting. new to me but a fascinating bit of social history. I wonder if there are people who do this sort of thing (trying to persuade others to give up drink) now.
There may be some but they are nowhere near as active. It really began with the Salvation Army and to this day you have to pledge never to drink to become a member.
There used to be a junior branch of the Temperance League called the Band of Hope, aka the White Ribboners from the badge they wore. They enticed kids with outings and picnics so many joined, only to leave when they became old enough to drink.
Well you're right with me, Mamayalynne. She regularly tries to persuade His Nibs and me but doesn't push it too hard. it was actually her idea that we went on the wagon for the exam period. HN agreed on both our behalf.