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dafyddapgwilym | 08:11 Fri 19th Jul 2019 | Crosswords
23 Answers
It's that time again. Sailed through the rest, and have come to the usual grinding halt with this one last clue which has me utterly stumped.
8down) Beauty's budding offspring (5)
I have L?N?Y and it looks rather like LENNY, but goodness - and hopefully some kind person out there - knows why...


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noun - United States educator who founded the first private school for Black students in Augusta, Georgia (1854-1933)
as in Black Beauty
Very, very iffy.
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Blimey. Thanks, donny48. Iffy indeed. Better than anything I could find, for sure, but it's a pretty odd clue if that's the answer.
Are you sure of your letters?
Yes, Hinny looks much better
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Well, the L comes from CUBITAL, the N from GENTLEMAN and the Y from MILITARY, all of which I am reasonably confident are right - but I will be happy to be corrected!
Clue for cubital?
What's the clue for the cubial one please.
Actually I'm not at all sure about Hinny now as the answer should probably be a literary reference (more than Black Beauty)
what's the clue giving cubital?
i doubted myself ff, can't see black beauty producing a hinny :-)
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5ac) Mowgli, so-called, has it all mostly in the forearm (7)
So CUBITAL must be right.
ah, hinny's wrong then
There is a black beauty plant which may explain the 'budding' but I can't see the answer or literary reference
Still struggling to parse this one, but the nearest I got was.
Jenny ( Equine female) ?
The L seems to be right though, danny
Think Lenny looks most likely. But gtfl for confirmation of 9a Dickensian actor with a bit of burlesque for his second half, contemptible chap (5) G?U?B Grubb? (or Glubb) Tks
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Grubb. Grub+b.
I’m going out on a limb on this one and putting LINDY.
1. Lindy is the name of a character in a book called Beastly bun Alex Flynn: a retelling of the Beauty and the Beast take. Lindy is Beauty. 2. Lind or linden is the lime tree after James Lind (budding).
3. Lindy Bop = a dance (offspring).
It’s all a bit of a leap really and I didn’t enjoy this crossword!

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