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Guardian Prize

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emk50 | 07:25 Sat 03rd Aug 2019 | Crosswords
24 Answers
Really struggling with right hand side
6d Sarply moving major piece about a national swimmer - I like this work’s power (8,7)
17/18d Buttonholing guy on lake, one does delay rising star (7,7)


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For 17/18, I had CHARLIE CHAPLIN, for the sole reason that it fitted the letters I had! But it doesn't even begin to make sense. This was about the point when I decided not to bother with the Prize this week ...
17/18 Charlie chaplin
Could you please explain? Thanks
Enigmatist is being very obscure today, even the regular bloggers (check comments on yesterday's cryptic) are having trouble with this one!
i can see 'chap l lie in' but i'm stuck with char?
One does (as in cleaning) - Char
Delay rising - Lie in
Round (buttonholing)
Chap L
6 down is my last to go in too. K_N_A_O_ - R_P_I_G
Kangaroo something?
I've got as far as chap (guy) l(ake) + lie in (one does delay rising)
seen as kangaroo hopping but i don't know why

well done mamya
KING, major piece, around A + N(ational) + GAR, swimmer, + OOH, I like this + OP, work +P(ower)......phew
i'm not going to buy the guardian ...
Me neither, That does not look one bit enjoyable.
It isn't...
I might go back to bed :-)
I think the setter should. Looks like he got out the wrong side ;-)
Ok with the parsing but I don't understand the definition. What is"sarply"?
I think it may be a typo.
Sharply moving could be the definition ???
Bah! Thanks

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