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Daily Express Prize Crossword 999 Friday January 24Th 2020

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Janis1949 | 20:48 Fri 24th Jan 2020 | Crosswords
12 Answers
Conical Assynt peak ,often paired with Sullven


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Is there a letter count?
Ha, same question from Keith's crossword 2011 - and we couldn't answer it then.
Ah, we did have an answer - I didn't scroll down far enough.
I think the clue should say Suilven rather than Sullven
Canisp looks good
thanks ff
Am I missing something on this old thread? How does em10 get a Best Answer when, as far as I can see they didn't specifically answer?
Curious of Cheshire
Odd isn't it- I assume emmie and em10 were the same
Question Author
Thanks for your help
you're welcome
good luck
Possibly, FF, because if you click on em10's profile you get re-directed to AB's Home Page - as though they've been scrubbed from all existence - strange this AnwerBank you know. ;0)))

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Daily Express Prize Crossword 999 Friday January 24Th 2020

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