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Underdog By Chalicea

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Matakari | 14:14 Wed 19th Feb 2020 | Crosswords
14 Answers
Requesting some hints for the following, please:

1 Criminal adopting plan to snare (7)
B????T? ( BANDITS ? )
6 Period of indulgence in activity securing gold (6)
16 Wrote a spy novel (9)
45 Ed's to encircle backsliding workers in remote regions (6)

20 Bird's classy car (6)
35 Indigenous northern dweller's mounting bleating sounds (4)


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20d r..ler, not c
35d, bleating sounds (2nd most obvious answer) , ie sheep sounds backwards
Are any of these affected by the thematic stuff? I think you forgot to mention the 'undefined' part in your last lot.
1 - 3 letter 'snare' inside 4 letter (slang) for 'criminal' [thematic - no def].
6 - 4 letter 'period of indulgence in activity (=holiday) around 2 letters for 'gold' [thematic - no def].
'WROTE A SPY' anag [thematic - ditto].
Thanks, PM. The full information is always useful - but not always given!
45 tricky to hint at Spenser's idiom - it's the reverse of the Cornish word for 'tourists' [also found in an ??? colony].
I think Matakari is expecting someone who's already done the puzzle might help, Nical - otherwise, there's a load of extra typing to do!
...just to be clear, Matakari - you're suggestions for the first two are wrong (you're looking for a proper noun for one of them).
sorry, 'your'!
Thanks, PM. I mentioned it only because there was no indication of thematic stuff in the last list of clues Matakari gave. I feel it's a little unfair on AB solvers, a helpful bunch - but not always psychic (if they haven't already done the puzzle.)
You're right, Nicol - 'some might be wordplay only' would have helped a lot.
Nical (sorry) I'm all thumbs today.
Thanks, PM - I'm a bit blunt at times... but I do like fairness!
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Many thanks to all for enlightening me!

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Underdog By Chalicea

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