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dafyddapgwilym | 05:42 Sun 08th Mar 2020 | Crosswords
4 Answers
Could some kind person just help bycompleting the parsing of my final solution:
13d) Dance with first son, circling Bill Burns and Scott? (10)
I have ?A?L?D?S?S, and presume it's BALLADISTS - BALL (Dance) with S for son on the end, but I just can't see the Bill bit which is being circled (is there a Bill Adis somewhere in Literature??).



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AD = bill, advertisement, and 1st = first + S for son
Ball + Ad(bill) + 1st S(on) = Balladists (Burns and Scott)
oops - didn't re-fresh!
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Many thanks: rock - and indeed roll!
Let the day begin....

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