My husband and I has been trying to conceive on( April 6th through April 13th). The following week of the 13th like towards the end of it. I have been experiencing some cramps and still am this week. These cramps comes and goes through out the day and night. I also have sore nipples that comes and goes as well. I missed my period on April 24th! I did take a pregnancy test the blue dye brand and it came back negative but the plus sign had a faint line on the second line to the plus sign, so I really don't know what to do at this moment other than wait until next week to take another test.
Note: I don't normally experience these sore nipples and cramps likes this when my periods comes. My last period was March 24th!
Relax. Wait a week. Not wanting to cause undue alarm but if you are pregnant it is very early and could go either way. Eat healthy food and take pregnancy vitamins. Hope all goes well