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Ev 1442

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hankir | 14:24 Mon 06th Jul 2020 | Crosswords
9 Answers
I have the theme and what goes under the grid.

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Preamble is complicated, so only those who have solved this can help.

2d. Miler exercises producing painful obstructions (7)

3d. Weighed up singular stolen cup (4)

25. Tommy’s performers found in safe (4)



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You need 'discovered' after 'miler', hankir.
Weighed = 'sat' (lose 'stolen').
Add 'stolen' to this one and the answer is in the clue.
...that last one, 'Tommies' in the British military sense.
Question Author
Thanks ProfessorM.

Still flummoxed by 2d.
Got the other 2.

I also don't know:
where the added word to 10d comes from
and removed word from 13d goes.
2d ends with ...USES (after the 'discovered'/uncovered word) a medical plural.
10d becomes birds after the thematic addition (the waste from threshing)is added to the front of the 6 word answer (def 'measures').
13d The 4 letter removal is a type of bed (4 letters) but also a theme word - the wordplay for the full answer is 'first timer' = DEB + 'discarded' (6 letters) minus the initial 'j'.
Question Author
Thanks ProfessorM.

I did not clarify my questions properly.

Which clue chaff comes from and which answer does bunk go to?
Chaff doesn't come from anywhere (this answer is one of the thematic 10)'s the thematic bit that has to be added to that answer
similarly with bunk just comes out doesn't go anywhere
Sorry, hankir - the thematic ins + outs don't work like that, it's sufficient that that the 'G...' (in general) is put in, or taken out of the individual answers.
There are a couple of 'swapped' pairs, ('R...' and 'L...') but most are singletons - 'B...' 'C...' 'G...' 'M...' + 'R...'
I think it would have been a very limiting constraint, otherwise (and I very much enjoyed the puzzle as it is).
... sorry again - I forgot 'T...'.
Question Author
Thanks. The first two I got came out and went in elsewhere.

I think it would be almost impossible to have 5 pairs in the puzzle that would be like what is in 1a.


All done.

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Ev 1442

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