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Times Big Book Of Crosswords

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barnaclebill58 | 07:51 Tue 13th Oct 2020 | Crosswords
4 Answers
Single climber entering gallery of national character. Ans Italinate. I can get the I for single and the Tate gallery but not the alin or lina for climber . How does that work please?
Parodist makes light , at first , of heavy blow. Ans Lampooner. A light can be a lamp but equally a lamp can be a heavy blow "I lamped him with a right handed" -but I can't quite put them together to get "light , at first, of heavy blow" to make lampooner.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Should be - italiAnate - 'I' (single) + 'liana' (climber, in) 'Tate' Lampooner - 'lamp' (light) + 'o(f)' (at first) + 'oner' (heavy blow) - Def 3
09:04 Tue 13th Oct 2020
?anil is a plant of the pea family ?
Should be - italiAnate - 'I' (single) + 'liana' (climber, in) 'Tate'

Lampooner - 'lamp' (light) + 'o(f)' (at first) + 'oner' (heavy blow) - Def 3
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Thanks Lie in King -I'm falling on my sword for my typo.
Glad to help - the typo imps get to us all :-)

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Times Big Book Of Crosswords

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