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highbury57 | 10:41 Fri 04th Dec 2020 | Crosswords
6 Answers
Bottom left corner a tad unyielding.
16d Work accommodating change with time off for a king.(7) I think Oedipus. Opus for work, Oedipus for king. But what of the ide? And then 16a Seafaring work that is low on love(4) would be O*o*
I’m not getting that.
And finally 20a Weird and ominous day to catch a group of sibling killers (8) D*n*i*e*
Assuming Oedipus is right.....


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16d Edit - change minus t(ime) + opus
16 change...edit. less the T in opus...oedipus
16a Omoo: A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas is the second book by American writer Herman Melville, first published in London in 1847, and a sequel to his first South Sea narrative Typee, also based on the author's experiences in the South Pacific.
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Thank you! Omoo rings a faint bell from university reading. Pleased to have Oedipus confirmed and the gloss. Now for the last clue.
20a anagram of and a + ides (ominous day)
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Thanks Roslyn! Not a group I would like to meet unless I was the lucky husband! Even then!

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