This bear with very little brain is stumped on two clues.
1. Socialist leader leaves maiden in power ???A?
2. Pause to take in old steps in the US ???O?
Thanks of you can help.
'In American English, a stoop is a small staircase ending in a platform and leading to the entrance of an apartment building or other building.'
1 leader of S(ocialist) + TEA = 'leaves' +M(aiden) = STEAM (power).
2 'pause' = STOP [taking in] O(ld) = STOOP (the steps outside a tenement building in the USA).
You are great. Those clues were a bit too convoluted for me. Thanks you very much. BTW- I'm not entering the competition because the book prize is not one that I want. So I'm not getting an unfair advantage. You've just sest my mind at rest.