Good excuse to give the details of their new quiz.
"Watch the Birdie" quiz [SB4]: 50 Cryptic/General Knowledge questions with birds as the answer in aid of ShelterBox.
It's all online, from payment (paypal) to entry (email back the completed answer sheet). All participants will be emailed answer sheet (at the end!).
Min donation £1.25 to via PayPal (send as a friend and we get it all, otherwise only 91p). Then email with SB4 as the header to let me know you've paid (which gives me the email to send the quiz to you). Contact me if you don't have PayPal - we have a work around. Same address for any questions.
c/d 25th March 2021 at 23:59.Prizes: £15 first (highest number right or draw if several) and £5 random (just for returning your quiz).