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Spectator N0.2489

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Matakari | 09:33 Fri 15th Jan 2021 | Crosswords
22 Answers
Good morning! Some curious Unclueds from Doc today.
I have the unclued name, but need to solve a few normal
clues before continuing. Answers/Hints for the following
would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

43 Posts across the water for game school principals ( 11 ):

9 Engineers leave clandestine group ( 4 ) : S?C?
25 Friendliness of girl full of sex appeal ( 5 ) : AM??Y ( AMITY )?
28 Deviation two ways in catapult ( 7 ) : SLE?IN? ( SLEWING ) ?
37 Dig, putting pressure on stick ( 4 ) : ?RO? ( PROD ) ?


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Thought this thread might peter out but its still going
you have it correct ...not dog collar but P?? collar (makes more sense when you put the them word in front)

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Spectator N0.2489

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