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Rte 14

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scooke | 09:55 Mon 29th Mar 2021 | Crosswords
10 Answers
18a no better name to call your Dad to recall that ol favourite tv orogramme of every teen(3,3,2,3,4)???,t??,??,???,p?p?
14d one with all the time in the world to stay inside?(5)l????
25a its what made mrs spratt bigger than jack(3,3)???,fat


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18 his top of the pops?
loner? 14d
the top of the pops
18a the top of the pops
It's top of the pops, rather than HIS?
25 his fat?
or THE fat
14d Lifer?
25a eat fat
I would go with 'the fat'
Otherwise it would be 'eating' and not 'eat'

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