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charlierabbit | 21:36 Thu 08th Jul 2021 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Hello, clue is Box and why it was looking crushed? -a- -o- (3,3) suspect it is going to be Carton, but not sure where the "looking crushed" part comes in? Thanks for any explanation


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Because it had a "cart on" (it) ?
My first thought was that too but it was the 3, 3 bit that put me off saying it
Maybe car with you know heavy weight on it as in cartoons half underweight weight shape with 1 ton stamped on it .
Because the car had a ton on it.
why 3,3 tho'?
Dunno,setter's error?
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Thanks for all the answers and discussion - lost connection last night so have only just got back. The only thing I could surmise was that the ton weight was "on" the car(t). As for the 3,3 I can only think it's a kind of "poetic licence" as they had 2 3 word answers to fill so they split the 6 letter carton into 2 e letter words!!! Many thanks again, everyone, have just seen today's paper with the solution and Carton is indeed the answer.
T don't like it when they split words across the grid.

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