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JollySwagman | 00:51 Sat 02nd Oct 2021 | Crosswords
6 Answers


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Please help us out, JollySwagman, by telling us the letter count and whether you've got any already filled in. Otherwise it's harder for us than it is for you!
And if that's the full clue?
Is it the Guardian Prize 25a?
Seal accepted a lot of money for getting close and personal (9)
I have C _ I _ C _ I _ G

I think it has to be Clinching but I can't fully parse it!
CL (sounds like "seal") + In (accepted) + Ching (a lot of money) = Clinching (getting close and personal)
CLINCH(seal) IN (accepted) G (grand-a lot of money)
-- answer removed --

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