Good evening, I’m stuck on the following and would appreciate some Answers/Hints, thanks!
1 One rep loses a Hebridean (8) : IS?E?AS?
21 A child getting into musical instrument nearly caught by dance (8) : H?Z???T?
28 Some doubt about uncompetitive marketplace for pharmaceutical firm (7):
36 It’s great when newspaper replaces advert with expertise (6) : DE????
15 Vitamin C ingested by ultimately bedridden Scotsman (6) : N?????
19 Members sitting here on this costs nothing (8, two words) : ?????R??
31 Old chestnut that’s extremely valuable in autumn (6) : ?A????
Shaneystar2, 36 is a lovely neat clue. There's the usual two letter newspaper replacing the letters for 'advert' in a slightly unusual (to me) word for Great. The definition is 'with expertise'.
Many thanks, Shaneystar2, and well spoken, NACW, I got all of the unclueds, I literally jumped to it. I'm still on the last two clues, 36(a) and 30(d). Your hint for 36(a) is great, and I should get 30(d) on my own now.
Matakari, thanks. Glad you're going to to finish this one off yourself! You might be in safer territory next week, it'll probably be Doc and you fare a bit better with his puzzles.
Finished, but for the life of me can’t get 3d EPx?E? & 11a SICx? where x is the common unknown. 11a Mediterranean islander getting mercy from another. 3d Exalted record again to shock french. Hints appreciated.
There were clues to 3D on one of yesterday's threads.
The 'Mercy' in 11 Across is an interjection, like gee, golly etc. There's an eight letter Med islander losing three letters for that, ie mercy - leaving you with another Med islander.
Good evening, I’ve been reading over my puzzle and am having
some difficulty parsing 31(D). Thanks in advance for enlightening
31(d) Old chestnut that’s extremely valuable in autumn (6):
Thanks, Matakari. After all these years of doing crosswords,you probably know that Chambers is the first port of call (and there are online versions if you haven't got a copy).