Moderator's note: Quiz questions are best posted in 'Quizzes & Puzzles', leaving this section clear for discussion about the origins and meanings of phrases and sayings.
I've never really understood the Diffney quizzes but, knowing that there's usually an Irish connection to the answers, my mind turns here to the Dublin5 band:
Is there any other clue though, such as a theme to the quiz?
ideas include:
New Holy Bible Exodus 1:8:22 but seems too random,
something about 1822 trains game,
Next Holly Bough -Expected...(if it was 2022 rather than 1822 it make's sense)
one of the Napolean Bonaparte's was born 1822
Navan (Hanging) Bell erected
First nude statue erected 1822
New Hampshire elected candidate 1822 (too obscure/random) and initials dont fit
New something Bridge erected
Something established or some one executed in 1822?