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GreatWall | 10:38 Mon 04th Jul 2022 | Crosswords
11 Answers
8A: Arrest credited to street cop, apparently, for this kind of crime. (4-6)
9A: Doppelganger (that umlaut means more than one might first see. (10) ????a???e?
10A: Sssss... sounds like something's cooking without a kitchen cooker? yes, without (8)
27A: Will nothing do for such a believer (8) N???????
1D: Get rid of principals? Enlightened lad reach out for bright minds (5-5) ?????-h?a?s
16D Poor place to live and let die in squalor (10-4) D?s???????-????
17D: Isnt this how the hunter bluntly comes to the point (4-2-3-5) ?u??-??-?h?-???s?
26D: Clap for a burst of laughter (4) ??a?


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17d cuts to the chase
17 answered previously
1D clear heads has been suggested
26 Peal?
8a Blue Collar? Although White Collar is in more general usage, perhaps there is also Blue Collar crime?
1D Yes, CLEAR HEADS is an anagram of 'lad reachES'. The 'es' seems to have gone missing.
I wondered about the ES!
10 barbecue???
27 naysayer??
27a nihilist

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