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Wine Of The Week

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LadyCG | 19:25 Sat 03rd Sep 2022 | Food & Drink
10 Answers
Chassaux et Fils Caíranne Cru des Côtes du Rhône, ABV 14.5%.

An intense, rich and silky smooth red bursting with dark red fruits and chocolate flavours and tiny hints of coffee bean and sweet spice.

An excellent accompaniment to string cheeses and charcuterie or rich meat stew.

Available in Aldi from their Specially Selected range for the normal price of £8.99.



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That should be strong cheeses...
I thought you were stringing us along!
Not a great fan of reds (gives me a banging head), but you can't beat Aldi for their range of booze and the prices..

And they deliver next day too.
Question Author
That's a cheesy joke, Tilly!
Question Author
I've never had a delivery from them, BM, but I'm loving their new self-serve checkouts.

I have some of their excellent Ventoux Rose to go with our fish pie later.
I ordered most of the wine and fizz for pur wedding from them. Came the next day. I was 36 bottles short and contacted their customer services who sorted it out efficiently and politely and the missing stuff appeared the next day.

I also ordered all our Christmas booze from them (including the locals Christmas party). Again, top notch.

Having used Majestic for a few years, I've stopped now in favour of Aldi.

Their wines consistently get good reviews and they have a great range of gins.
14.5% would knock me out!
Question Author
This is an awesome white:

Lovely juicy, fleshy fruit flavours.
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I never have more than two glasses, Tilly. I find it too filling if I have more and then I can't eat. My husband has always said he wouldn't drink anything French but he soon changed his mind when I introduced him to the Cairanne.

He bought me one of these a while back and it makes such a difference: User Recommendation
Thanks LadyCG for the recommendation. I bought this wine and agree it's excellent.

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