Everyman crossword No.3968, The Observer 30 October 2022
'Tiny shrill sound perhaps...Young birds (not large) in trees (7,7)'. I've got Weeping Willows but can't parse the Willows part of it.
'At last, interest and care shown adopting Pole (2,3,3)'. I've got In The End but don't understand the 'Pole' bit.
'Word from above: disheartened Jewish scholar leaves (8)'. I've got Kohlrabi but can't parse 'Word from above'.
Weeping willows - 'wee (tiny) ping (shrill sound) Will (Young) ow(l)s (not 'large')'
In the end - 'int(erest) heed (care)' (adopting) 'N(orth)' (pole)
Kohlrabi - look at your answer for 16a...