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Good evening, Sam.
Well done on sneaking ahead of me by a single point this week! I'm basically fine, thanks, except for a lot of tiredness lately (which affects 3 out of 4 men with prostate cancer, so I'm not exactly surprised). I hope that you're 'fighting fit' (but not actually looking to fight anyone, of course!)
Hi, Campbellking:
Not great scores, maybe, but still better than me!
I reckon that a 4 kg kitty (or one that will eventually be) must be quite small. Even my tiny Tablo weighs in at around 4.2 kg, with her slightly bigger brother weighing around 4.7 kg. Chequers, at about 8.5 kg, weighs nearly as much as his two siblings put together. (He's just a little podgy, maybe, but most of his weight comes about from simply being a very big cat. I used to have a really sleek cat, with not a gram of fat on him, who weighed 10.5 kg. He was known as 'The Panther' to people around here!)
I'm glad that you and your new feline friends are enjoying life together anyway - although I'll bet that Puss Puss sidn't like going to see the vet!