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Bozzer | 15:23 Sun 27th Nov 2022 | Crosswords
4 Answers
Taiwan back in energy dispute. “Scrap”
Work in Finnish city not quite finished. “Tamper”
Assistant with a cotton fabric. “Aide”

The parsing has got me!
Thanks for any help


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Scrap - 'R(epublic of) C(hina)' (back, in) 'sap' (energy)
Aida (fabric) - 'aid' (assistant) + 'a'
All I can think of for tamper is Tampere the Finnish city not finished and tamper meaning to work or fix something
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Thank you.
Aide was wrong; that didn't help!
Tampere didn't come up on my list of Finnish cities.
RC. Is it really called that? I never knew.
A few jolly words in the answers which amused me when I found them

Very grateful as always.
RC is the International Vehicle Registration code for Taiwan.

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