Quizzes & Puzzles29 mins ago
The Hidden Books Game
4 Answers
I have got 19 of the books, however for the life of me I cannot find the 20th Clue!! I have clicked on every possible area and can only find 19. Is there a hidden little area I am missing. Do not want the answer - just want to know where to click!!!
https://www. theanswerban k.co.uk/Quiz zes-and-Puzz les/Question 1816748-2.ht ml Scroll to 20:17
14:47 Tue 29th Nov 2022
I've C&P'ed Yeoma's post from the link below -
So from the bottom left we have:
nature writing
read me
US & fin
Arrakis poster
children playing cards
lady on stairs
cat on pouffe
lady on ladder
(from top right):
small life & large life
large life & large life
blue-hatted figure in window
heart by open door
bird in cage
man in front of crime section
lady to the left of him
door marked "confidential"
There are answers & hints here, so don't open the link if you don't want to :-)
https:/ /www.th eanswer bank.co .uk/Qui zzes-an d-Puzzl es/Ques tion181 6748.ht ml
So from the bottom left we have:
nature writing
read me
US & fin
Arrakis poster
children playing cards
lady on stairs
cat on pouffe
lady on ladder
(from top right):
small life & large life
large life & large life
blue-hatted figure in window
heart by open door
bird in cage
man in front of crime section
lady to the left of him
door marked "confidential"
There are answers & hints here, so don't open the link if you don't want to :-)