Genius 234 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Genius 234

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pomona | 08:16 Fri 16th Dec 2022 | Crosswords
6 Answers
Each clue contains a superfluous letter to be removed before solving, always leaving real words
No crossers, as it's a jigsaw grid...

2. Administration knew Conservative politician supervised church shelters (10)
5. Cancelled publication was first to abandon arena (8)
19. Something in limbo can keep suffering (7)
28. Wrongly maligned stoical prisoner stabs smashing chap? (10)
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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5 Annulled
19 Kneecap, something in limb, anagram
In 5, the 'n' in arena is removed.
2 Governance

28 Iconoclast
2.Governance (administration) = Gove (conservative politician) + ran (supervised) CE (church) shelters +N(ew)

The "K" from knew is the superfluous letter
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Many thanks Neveracrossword and JJ109 for those and the parses

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