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Tilly2 | 12:30 Thu 04th May 2023 | Crosswords
10 Answers
The spectator crossword which I received from Danny won't print properly. A section of the grid is missing and also a lot of the down clues. The crossword has printed A5 size...several times.

Nothing has changed so why am I having this problem today? Any help?


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Does this help. I have not printed as I have no ink !
13:05 Thu 04th May 2023
Do you have a subscription Tilly? If not, you will only be able to access a certain number of article - including the crossword - in a given period.

I don’t have a subscription and find that sometimes I can access the pdf version while at other times it appears as you describe.
Toorak, I think Tilly should have a printable version - the ones from Danny/Daniel are 'real' and there's never any problem with them.
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I've looked on The Spectator site, Toorak but can find only the Three of A Kind one.

Why is Daniel's pdf printing wrongly?
Does this help. I have not printed as I have no ink !

Tilly2, I think there might be a problem at your end - I've just printed off the one Daniel sent, and it was completely fine, normal etc.
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I managed to print off Jazzgirl's link by saving it in My Documents as a PDF and printing from there.

Thank you all for helping. x
I am pleased it worked Tilly :-)
A slightly more ponderous way is to take screenshots of the grid, the across and down clues individually, then crop and embiggen them using a photo editor.
I have 5 clues still not solved. but will keep at it.
Help with 29 appreciated. Taiwan chopping sheltered tree (6)
OK I have solved 29 :)

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