My next door neighbours, being the sort who always wish to be first with everything, decided to pay for a new (expensive) electric car.
All was OK in the short time they had it (only local travel) until they had to travel much further afield to attend a wedding at a lovely country venue.
They worked out all the mileages and decided, as they would be a bit "out in the wilds" they would not take the car due to recharging availability.
To cut a long story short, their trip out entailed 3 separate train journeys, a quite expensive taxi fare and a lot of hassle to get to the venue.
Although the hotel was lovely, our neighbours were still out in the wilds with no transport to take them around to have a look at the beautiful area they were staying in (not many buses)so the weekend involved staring out of the hotel windows or walking in the grounds.
The return journey was the reverse of getting there and took most of a day.
When hearing this tale of woe, I don't know how I managed to keep a straight face until I retired indoors where tears of laughter ensued (I don't think my pants will ever dry!)
My little petrol car took my wife and I around a lot of northern Scotland with no problems whatsoever.
I know which type of car I will be using for as long as possible