Quite enjoyed this one, the unclued entries were fun.
As usual, it's probably confidence stopping me from putting my final four in:
18A: Shocking accompaniment to seizure? (5)
TAS?R It can only be TASER but I don't understand why, not all taser-ings end in seisures...
22A: Bill lying about clear English dramatist (7)
BE?NET? Presumably BENNETT, 'nett' being the clear, but not sure about the rest. I could see lying as BENT around clear NET, but where would 'Bill' come into this?
37A: Corner exposed hacks (5)
A?GLE Again, can only expect it to be ANGLE - I'm dubious that hacks = (m)angle(s) though
42A: Nags about extremely handy local forge (6)
?TI?H? I'm going with STITHY, assuming TITS for small / poor horses is what we're turning about here?