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gwladysstreet | 13:22 Mon 13th Nov 2023 | Crosswords
5 Answers

Dear Chums, Sadly, my Slotober has turned into Dumvember.  I am grinding my teeth, both of them, on these, 5ac: "Constant work of a policeman going around with a diplomat"  (7); and 1dn: "Somewhere in a pack, Spooner's suffering boyfriend" (4,3). I have A?O?P?E for the first; and B?C?/R?W for the second. Please help. 



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1 Back Row (Rack Beau for Spooner stuff)

 5a adolphe

5a Adolphe - 'a' + 'plod' (policeman, round; back) + 'H(is/er) E(xcellency)'

1d Back row - Spooner's "rack beau"

a plod reversed he (his excellency ,diplomat)^^^^^

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Thank you folks.  I had Back Row but didn't see Rack Beau as true Spoonerism (I hate Spoonerisms). Whenever I see "plod" I think of the much  missed Tony  Hoare, who wrote episodes of "Minder", and who coined the  term Interplod for the international police force, and once had Arthur Daley trying to flog "a load of fire-damaged woks."



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