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Zacs-Master Not Been On Since 6Th Nov....

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ToraToraTora | 22:43 Thu 23rd Nov 2023 | ChatterBank
79 Answers

....any ideas?



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No, but I've noticed Bobbiesox hasn't been on for quite a while. Does anyone know why?

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I thought you were ignoring me?

On holiday?

Won't be ignoring you all of the time my darling, just your nasty posts.

This is a caring post.

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ok sweetheart!

Death, long term hospital, finally got bored with it. 

All are possible.

21.47 inactive, another hissy fit I guess.:>(

nicebloke, I can't remember how to find the last time someone posts something or else I would look back to see what happened unless the thread was removed.

Barse,Bobbiesox obviously left after her long post that was removed and best not to bring that up again.  

I thought Bobbi had given up after all the trolling she was getting after coming back to try again.

No idea about Zac's but had noticed him not being around for a while.

Quite a few people have disappeared - whatever became of Baldrick and his 'interesting' domestic life in Herne Bay?

22.24 She did her fare share of diging also, so what goes around... and all that. Water under the bridge now as they say.

Bobbie said the site is toxic 

I'd call it challenging 

Lottie, it must have been when I was in hospital as I don't remember seeing anything before I went in.

Probably Barsel.

Someone said something nasty to Zacs on this thread in the news section. Perhaps that is why we haven't heard from him.

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BARSEL, if you click on someone's name or their avatar, it takes you to their profile which shows their last activity.


If you can't click on their name or avatar, click on someone else's (not your own) and look at the link in the address bar.

I can click on Tilly's and this is her link,

That link contains that other person's username so just replace that name with the name of the person you're looking for.


If there's a gap in the username, replace it with a hyphen.

Zak was rightly very fed up.  Hope he comes back.  

22.30 Toxic? It only becomes toxic if you make it so. Most people have the common sense NOT to keep giving out personal details of yourself and members of your family, and when you've done that, blame everyone else if the sh** hits the fan.

Corby, yes I remembered how to do it just after I said I couldn't remember..🙃


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