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Comhnasc Crossword 40

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Fitzys | 15:58 Wed 15th May 2024 | Crosswords
17 Answers

7a: Absolutely not the thing to do playing bridge. 6 letters. ?????e

9a: One's essential being. 4 letters. ????

1d: Used to be. 4 letters. ???!

3d: Deny it all you like but it is plainly so : 4/9 letters. ????/ ?e?i?t?o?  
I put nose reduction for that !!  These clues all cut across one another to fill one corner of the grid. 



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Only thing that comes to mind is: 'it's as clear as the nose on your face' but that doesn't explain 'reduction'
17:03 Wed 15th May 2024

9 Esse

1 Were?

In your letters for 3d, is the i in the correct place?

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I have esse and were but they clash with nose reduction and the playing bridge clue. Thanks very much. 

If Esse and were are correct, what letters would you have for the other 2 clues?

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Sorry' that should read 2d. And yes the I should be a u. Sorry again. 

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If esse is correct 1 d will end in s. Twas ??  2d would end in e

Twas is good

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The nose reduction is the stumbling block for me. Also I have revoke for bridge playing clue. Maybe it should be renege?? But that wouldn't match twas. 
I'm demented!! 

It could be either

..revoke or renege

Does the answer to 1d give the first letters of 7a and 9a?

...and what letters does the answer to 3d give in 7a and 9a?

Only thing that comes to mind is: 'it's as clear as the nose on your face' but that doesn't explain 'reduction'

^ ' plain as the ...'!

7a Go under? I know it doesn't match the letter count.

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To all my helpers ,

the answer to

1d  would give the SECOND letter to 7a and 9a. 
The nose reduction.... one might deny that one had a nose reduction !!

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Comhnasc Crossword 40

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