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Scotsman Factfinder

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janmar | 15:02 Sat 01st Jun 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers

A burden (mus) 7 letters  R?e?a?n



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Captain2, how does that work? I can find only Riemann as a German mathematician...

I'm trying to find a precise definition but Google's letting me down! 😊 I'll keep trying.

Isn't a refrain just a repeated section of a tune/song?

Thanks, Captain2. Chambers has 'Refrain, noun, a burden, a line or phrase recurring, esp at the end of a stanza; the music of such a burden'.

That's good enough for me then NaC. 😊

Perhaps janmar can confirm the 'E' should be an 'F'?

Thanks, Captain2. Yes, it'd be good (for me!) if the 'e' was an error, or shown in the wrong place...

Question Author

Thank you, Everyone.

janmar, could you please put our minds at rest and let us know if the third letter is an 'E' or an 'F'.


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