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Time Cryptic

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stevenj | 15:25 Sat 29th Jun 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

I hope today's is more understandable than last week! I had done less than half of it when I was summoned for my bath! I eventually ( by Tuesday) had letters for every space. Whether they are all correct I doubt but I'll find out when the result is published. 
Fingers crossed for today 



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Hi Steven - how's your "Hamlet"? 😉

Blimey I'm struggling with the Times Jumbo Cryptic today! 

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I didn't finish it yesterday but I think I shall have another go today. ( the weather is miserable) 

Your ( LiK)" guidance " was invaluable! I got the second big quotation quite quickly, the other needed some letters in place but I got there. Thank you 

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Well, it was certainly a tough one. I've got answers for all but one. And I have a word for that but I simply cannot work out how the full clue fits

What might be uplifting religion without shame. I have b?a?e?

brazen ( without shame ) fits but I can't make out the rest. Anyone able to help please?


 A  Bra would uplifting (literally)Zen is religion and Brazen is without shame.

PS Yesterday's was a real workout!

A BRA (is er, uplifting) + ZEN (a religion)

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Thank you both very much! So clear when it's explained by people like you! 

Stevenj, glad we could help.

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