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Is This The Worst Ever Conservative Election Campaign?

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Gromit | 11:21 Tue 02nd Jul 2024 | News
22 Answers

// Recriminations have begun to fly around the Conservatives as a senior figure called the last few weeks the “worst campaign in my lifetime” and criticised the party for failing to tackle the threat from Reform.  
However, a number of Tory candidates, advisers and officials are deeply frustrated with how he has run the campaign after calling a July election against the advice of his key strategist Isaac Levido.  
Another contrasted their local campaign with the national one. “The local party has been really efficient at identifying the messages that resonate and getting leaflets out to the right people,” they said. “As for the national campaign, well, I know all campaigns have mistakes but I’ve never seen anything like this.” //



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I'm reminded of the run up to Br**** and the shambles that was.

It seems that politicians no longer know what to do or why they're doing it, they just seem to be constantly clinging on to power for its own sake with no vision, drive or purpose.

I really do think that the Labour Party is running the Conservative election campaign; but then, when you have screwed over the country for the last 14 years, what can you say?

Who are all these people they're quoting?

in this constituency, there has been little actual campaigning. only 2 parties have bothered doing leaflet shots, and only one candidate has made any attempt to engage personally with the electorate.

clearly they cannot be bothered with us, even when they need us to vote for them. what does that say for their attitude to us when (as our MP) we have need of their services?

Does anybody really take any notice of election campaigns?

Do they really believe what politicians tell them they will do if elected?

Has anybody really made up their mind which way to vote only after watching Ed Davey fall off a paddle board?

Has anybody really made up their mind which way to vote only after seeing Kier Starmer wearing a hairnet visiting a biscuit factory?

Has anybody really made up their mind which way to vote only after seeing Rishi Sunak with his sleeves rolled up, getting in the way of doctors and nurses treating the sick in hospital?

Election campaigns are a complete farce, a waste of everybody's time and an insult to most peopl'e intelligence.

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// Who are all these people they're quoting? //

I am sure that will be obvious on Friday morning.  
It has not been a good campaign from the moment it was called in a torrential rain storm, to abandoning the veterans in France, to betting scandal, it has been beset by own goals.

I'm reminded of the run up to Br**** and the shambles that was.

no  that is the american election: obvious  lies were told by Boris and his pals - and suckers on AB  -said yes yes Brexit will be paradise

I agree, gromit, but I like to know who's expecting me to listen to them - especially when what they're saying is derogatory.  They really need to put their money where their mouth is.


NJ, I think the head to heads hold quite a lot of sway but Ed Davey's stupid antics can surely only convince people not to vote for him.

to abandoning the veterans in France

oh, come on, he didnt make them push their own wheelchairs or swim  back overthe channel. can we have a bit of balance in this?

'All these people' have obviously only agreed to make their traitorous utterances on condition of anonimity. 😂


I see from the same paper that Rees-Mogg has gone full loony at a rally for Young Yobbos.

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When the leadership contest begins on Friday morning (if it hasn't already started), then they will be queuing up to bad mouth the campaign. But no one is going to be defeatest on camera before the result.

Without knowing who they are we can't say whether they're defeatist - or on the other side.

'Senior Tory party figure', 'one Tory candidate' and 'one senior Tory' are unlikely to be lefties, naomi. 🤣

"The local party has been really efficient at identifying the messages that resonate and getting leaflets out to the right people,”

Well that  should be pretty much all they need- people vote locally in their constituency.  

Appears to be driven by The Guardain, so I'd take any quotes with a pinch of salt.

to be honest I think both main parties have had a pretty poor campaign.  Sunak, well who knows and SKS who seems to be relying on Sunak loosing.

What a sad state of affairs we find ourselves.

New Judge  sums it up in a nut shell, the other posters miss the point with their views.

.New Judge  sums it up in a nut shell, 

Election campaigns are a complete farce, a waste of everybody's time and an insult to most peopl'e intelligence.

and is  refuted by  the facts - look at the French American as well as the British elections ( ergo)


Labour screwed the country for thirteen years,, now the Tories for fourteen, all they do is slag off each other, nobody says how they are going to make a positive difference.

It's nowt to do with any campaign. It's about doing b all about the matters that concerned the voters beforehand.

The campaign isn't the problem. It's the legacy in the voters minds of the Truss and Johnson eras.

Sunak could never win.

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