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Will Rishi Sunak Resign On Friday ?

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johnny.5 | 16:15 Wed 03rd Jul 2024 | News
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Would he not stay on until s new party leader was in place?

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I mean will he step down as leader as soon as a successor has been appointed?

and decide his position is untenable ?

Don't they always resign? (Except Corbyn)

if he retains his seat, will he serve his constituents from the backbenches (as he has pledged to do), or will he break that pledge, take the Chiltern Hundreds and clear off to LA?

Whoever loses generally resigns, don't they?  (Obviously not Corbyn)

Of course he will, and head off to lucrative public speaking tours and various directorships.  I dread to think who will replace him

i don't think neil kinnock did

Yes, no question.

What makes you think the Tories won't win the Election?  

(Well if Gulliver can spout rubbish, why can't I!)


Two years ago Boris resigned and Liz Truss was elected and after less than two months she stood down and Rishi Sunak was PM for 18 months. Truss and Sunak were elected by Tory members, not the country. Hasn't this damaging psychodrama gone on too long?


Parties pick the leader not the general publiv - it's not a presidential system. Tory members didn't pick Sunak - he was imposed on them/us by the Tory MPs.

Gordon Brown wasn't elected either. and nor was James Callaghan.

davebro 18.20 How  true.  I, like most  who were then members, lost all remaining reserves of trust then.  I'm no more a member, needless to say, and there are plenty of other things I would have left over as well - not least the insane and cruel idea of forcing all kids to study maths until 18. Plenty ofother things as well.

Nope. He will concede defeat and no longer be Orime Minister. He will continue to be the Conservative Party leader. He may stand down from that but wait until a new leader is elected before waving goodbye.

Heath and Wilson survived defeats, as I recall. Gladstone served four separate terms. These days it seems losing is forever.


Probably wont be his choice.

If he takes the rest of the TINO's with him then great news.

Of course, he has to win his seat first which may not be a done deal.

Sunak has a 27,000 majority. But apparently is worried of losing. Reform are obviously putting a lot of effort into winning it, but it is probably too much.

I think Reform will do a lot worse than some people are expecting. Just a wasted vote really.

In England anything other than red or blue is a wasted vote.

he'll be in california by monday!!

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Will Rishi Sunak Resign On Friday ?

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