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Spectator 2661 - Spectrum By Doc

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Matakari | 09:38 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
46 Answers

Good morning, my favourite Doc challenges me this week with the following for which I would appreciate  a few hints. Many thanks in advance!

27a Hours away from Shoreditch organising game like Farkle (3,4): ???DI?E
41a They are wrong about tear away, a trencherman (6,5): H?A?????T?R
5d   Germanic spirits showing daring in Greek location (7): K???LD?
14d Drunk, when speeding (4,3,5) : ???R??O???I?
33d Track our late compiler (5): ????T



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... for, not ...fro.

I realised what it was after I saw JJ's answer, which arrived just before my query. 

I have two clued left which i am finding quite chewy.

1A Criminal having cheese biscuit thats not bad (4,7)

I have ???? /CRACKER



Invassive flowering weel sadly with lots in the Home Counties

??W ?H?S?L?

Help gratefully received. ALso stuck on 11D where i have ?N?O?E


And 36D ?AVI?


1a Safe Cracker

1d Sow thistle

36a. followed by 11a.  4 words .... split as  ?? ??? ?? ????

what does a criminal crack to become a ----cracker?


I don't know the late compiler but are we looking at  horse races?

quinol - yes a very famous race course

Did you manage to finish the Genius? did you manage to work out how to manipulate the answers?


Dear jj, No, I didn't really understand about the first 2 words another hint would be great - at least I've finished the spectator with your helpful confirmation

Quinol the 1st two words are Caesar Cipher

So write the alphabet out

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ and then ABC.... follows on again

Each of the 6 is diferent though as the cipher relates to the clue number

I know you have "Freud" re 23 down

Therefore the first letter F = 23 letters to the right in the alphabet written out = C

R = 23 steps to theright = O

E = 23 steps to the right = B

U  = 23 steps to theright = R

D = 23steps to the right = A

Input is therefore COBRA (not Freud)

Do the same for all the others but the number of steps = the clue number

Incidentally I had never heard of the word for 9d but it does exist!

Question Author

Many thanks,all, I’m enjoying the Unclueds with just one pair to work out. But two clues are still outstanding despite the hints. For 33d, I see ASCOT/AFRIT and for 41a, I now have the following, but there may be an error somewhere:

41 They are wrong about tear away, a trencherman (6,5) : H?A?T?E?T?R

41   Heart eater

33    Ascot

Hearty eater - sorry

still unclear about 36A unclued ?AVI?

and also 11A ?N?O?E


those 2 fit together 2,3,2,4    with the french colour being the last word

La vie en rose (life in pink - ie seeing life through rose tinted glasses)

John, that's a four word phrase, two words in each(and in the order you have given).

Question Author

Thanks, cashier! I lapsed terribly with 41a. To  close this puzzle, I'm left with the final two Unclueds for which I have the following:

32 MAN?E  ( MANGE )
37 SACR?    ( SACRE )

Thanks again!




32 Links with 10D

37 links with 8D


Matakari, how could you? I thought the theme was the most Matakari-friendly in the history of your solving... and I was expecting you to be helping all and sundry!

A nice puzzle from Doc again, which gave me a chance to revisit my schoolboy French. BTW did anyone suss the Walsall reference from Mr Magoo's puzzle last week ?

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Spectator 2661 - Spectrum By Doc

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