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Azed 2716 Help Please

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quinol | 15:42 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
2 Answers

Nine across and nine down clues lead in their definitions to Spoonerisms of the correct answers to be entered. Subsidiary indications in these clues lead to the correct answers themselves. In the remaining clues (except 26) the definitions have been distorted by one Spoonerism per clue. Subsidiary indications in these clues likewise lead to the correct answers. Competitors should submit with their solutions a clue of the latter type to the asterisked definition at 26. NB Spoonerisms may be either consonantal, e.g. WHITEBAIT/BITE (or BIGHT) WAIT, or vocalic, e.g. BUNTING/BIN TONGUE, and may be accompanied by changes in punctuation. Bracketed numbers after clues indicate the length of grid entries throughout.

about halfway through this toughie, help with these might advance me:

14d formality in data processing course? Location dreadful (10 - but maybe 2 words)

35a country horse pulling sulky undergoes instruction to progress without hurrying (12 - more than 1 word?)

21a word play to deteriorate? Not once found in Spooner's creation. (9)



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14d - ''place dire'' for DICE-PLAYER (ICE = 'formality' [inside] D.P+LAYER 'course').

35a - ''spain trotter'' for TRAINSPOTTER (a 'trotter' pulls a light carriage/'sulky') TRAINS+POTTER ('progress without hurrying').

21a ''pun worsen'' for ONE-PERSON (def given alongside 'one-man' in Chambers) NE = 'not' (archaic) [inside] anag 'spooner'.

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many thanks professormaisie, I think I had parts of 14 and 21, but nowhere near really

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Azed 2716 Help Please

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