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Tls 1535

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BIll | 11:36 Sun 14th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

Last one (as ever). 21d. Lines omitting any English, after European drama (5). I assume EQUUS and can see bits of a parse but not all. Am I at least on the right ... lines? If so, would be grateful to be shown how?



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Queues loses all the Es....

... and Queues being the 'lines' in the clue.

Queues (lines) omitting any English = quus

after European = Equus (drama)

.The European gives the E in the answer, of course. 

Sorry for the flurry of posts, I am texting from my phone at the same time!

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Many thanks both. A good clue that I'm ashamed to admit I only now appreciate.

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And makes me feel a bit of a fool.

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Tls 1535

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