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Rotary Club: Asia And The Antipodes C/D 1St August

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Bobbysgirl48 | 16:05 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
19 Answers

4 What a bomber and a cruise liner have in common. 8 letters

12 Discover this place inside an "O" 9 letters

13 A type of wrist ornament 6 letters

19 Next stop after Tolpuddle 5, 3 letters

23 Heaps of stones  6 letters

24 The start of a nirthward journey to a one eyed yellow idol 8 letters 




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23 Cairns

24 (to the north of)  Katmandu should be KatHmandu

Question Author

Thank you scorpiojo

12 Indonesia - amagram of 'inside an o'

13 Bengal is an anagram of 'bangle'?

Question Author

Thank you Captain2

19 Botany Bay


Bobbysgirl48 .....No. 19.  on my sheet the number of letters is (6) ..... has it been changed? 

19 Mally that was my first thought too, but it's (6,3) - so unless the OP or compiler have got it wrong, I'm struggling.

Ha! crossed there, teacher.

Is yours just (6) or (6,3), please?

(5,3) is No.20 !

Mine is (6)

Thank you, teacher. 😊

I have e-mailed Hitchin Priory for confirmation.

4. Canberra

19 Sydney if 6

Agreed, Jo (although not all went to Sydney, others went to Van Dieman's Land - love that name!)

Question Author

Thank you douglas9401 for  no 4 and sorry, sorry, sorry  I put the wrong number of letters for 19, should have been 6 letters, must get my glasses looked at!!!

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Rotary Club: Asia And The Antipodes C/D 1St August

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