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8D: Conservaive Centre Destroyed: Ineffectual Chief Heads For A Way Out

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horriblehorace | 17:04 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers

Completely stuffed on this!  Help lplease.



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What's the letter count please....and do you have any letters filled in?

And is it Private Eye again?

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yes - sorry for the bal*s up

It's easily done. Just type the letter count details and pattern here as answer

Eccentric, way out.

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Private Eye 783 9 letters but I have none

yes, eccentric works perfectly

C + anagram of CENTRE + I(nnefectual) C(hief)

Thanks, NMA. I seldom parse my Private Eye answers, I just stick them in!

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Cheers  - can have a swig of Rioja now!! 1st today - honestly!!

Oops- I can't explain my misspelling of I(neffectual)

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8D: Conservaive Centre Destroyed: Ineffectual Chief Heads For A Way Out

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