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Listener No.4825 Resolving Clashes By Raven

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emcee | 11:02 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

An excellent challenge. Some of the letters needed to form the across and down messages were difficult to spot. All scrupulously fair.

The endgame was neat.

Many thanks, Raven.



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Maybe we are confused but the final entry to 4d seems a bit off.

Otherwise an excellent puzzle.

Thanks, Raven.


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A tough challenge, for sure. The endgame didn't go quite where I expected it to, which was intriguing. I had to back-solve the replacements, though: seven is a lot to mentally deal with. The clue gimmicks and grid constraints must have made cluing very difficult, so congratulations to the setters for getting this one over the line.

Yes, definitely tougher than some of the recent puzzles, and I still have a couple of parsings to resolve. Very clever construction to allow the two possible phrases. Thanks, Raven.

The endgame was far simpler than I was trying to make it. A rather long word in the across instructions to me suggested that much more involved grid-staring was involved. And what I was trying to do with the other clashes doesn't bear telling. Watched a wonderful film about the two protagonists and the truly tragic decline of one of them.

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Listener No.4825 Resolving Clashes By Raven

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