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Bozzer | 18:16 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

Good Evening. I have completed this but why CTRL+SHIFT+S?



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Anyone out there to answer this please? I managed to complete the crossword any 

Explanation needed. What crossword have you completed?

When do you see CTRL+SHIFT+S?

What are you trying to do

Complete  what ?

Question Author

Sorry. It was spectator 2663. I reposted because I got no answer first time. Don't know what happened to the title. 
CTRL+SHIFT+S was the "clue" to the theme. I completed the theme but haven't worked out the clue!

That will take a screenshot in some browsers if that helps 

It means to save current data under a different name 

Question Author

Thank you. I knew both those but couldn't relate either to the theme

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