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Private Eye 783

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horriblehorace | 19:45 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

22a. 6 letters. Cordiality so battle not on.------h

20d. 6 letters. President managed to get round age difficulty.




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20 Reagan

22a-is it 6 or 7 as shown?

war mth?

22 Warmth, cordiality -gthe clue was '...battle period not on', month drops the 'on', after War, battle.

I don't get where mth comes from though!

Thanks Neveracrossword, that explains it

I knew the answer was Warmth, but it didn't work with the clue given - so I went off to track down my copy, to get the correct/full clue.

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Private Eye 783

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